Glenswilly National School is a primary school situated in New Mills, Letterkenny, F92 RH94, Co. Donegal

Contact Us:

Tel: 074 9137342 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Current enrolment: 274

The school day

9:20am-2pm Infants

9:20am-3pm 1st-6th class.

Break times: 11-11:20am     Lunch: 12:40pm-1pm


Some children are being dropped off in the morning before 9.00am. The school opens to receive pupils at 9.00am. No arrangement exists for the supervision of children who arrive at school whether by bus or otherwise, before 9.00am and therefore no responsibility is accepted by the school for pupils at this time. Pupils arriving before this time are unsupervised.